File Format Conversion

to convert

Input Type


Output Type



For Windows applications which run XML processes, XHTML documents are reformulations of HTML 4 files, which are coded to comply with strict XML requirements. Many applications and websites include XHTML documents which are viewable with browsers like Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox or Apple Safari. Yet for offline viewing, converting these files with PrizmDoc to JPG, PDF, TIF or JPEG makes them easier to mark up, share, and distribute.


Tagged Image File Formats allows for universal exchange of image data across device and software platforms. Yet most TIFF files are only single page files, so converting them to PDF or other common output formats gathers multiple images into a single, shareworthy file while maintaining accuracy and precision.
*When converting muti-page documents to JPEG, PNG, or SVG file formats, only the first page of the document will be converted. THIS IS A DEMO ONLY RESTRICTION. The full featured product allows you to dictate how multi-page documents are converted.